INTRODUCTION by Lindsay Arnold
Welcome to Baznold. It is about comics.
My own graphic work shown here, beginning with the two Empanelled compilations, was initially made into books so that I could see it all in one place. I have since added further books of my own, and now that of others:
Emile Mercier
Three books reproducing most of Emile Mercier’s comic strip work are now available for the first time here. A taste is given of the contents of each, a total of 668 pages. Please see the Mercier page.
Des Conrades
The complete 1940s ‘Professor Bluntbrain’ series by Tasmanian artist Des Conrades, in 8 episodes, from Pacific Pictorial comics.
This is part of an ongoing attempt to save some of our important cultural heritage from the obscurity in which it has languished too long. Is that not what collecting is, or should be about?
My own work:
Slipping Through the Cracks tells a late friend’s inspiring story of homelessness in 1950s Sydney, an apposite tale to be told and heard in today’s uneasy world. Glossy Colour Hardback. 168 pages.
The Quest for Gremlins is a 120-page uncategorisable shiny fantasy regarding the mental state of a cartoonist named Nold who is haunted by his own creations.
My recently completed handsome big 264p. hardback full colour book will also be available soon: Keith’s Confederacy of Critters. It embraces elements of “Keith”s questionable biography involving his legendary Uncle Stan, a large dog and the Church of the SubGenius. Is that not enough?