Empanelled Book One: Loose Life Stories


“Altogether this is a monumental work”
— Robert Crumb

The first of two large-format glossy 288-page, limp covered Art books, Empanelled Book 1 collects Linzee’s semi-autobiographical stories from his experiences as a schoolboy, schoolteacher, itinerant drummer, actor and ‘multi-disciplinary’ artist at large, ranging from 1940s wartime Hobart, through the repressive 50s and revolutionary 60s into the 80s and 90s of the 20th century.

“Loose Life Stories” contains a total of 34 complete B&W stories from the author’s life, with chronological colour coding for easy reference, as if you care about such things.

Extras include ‘Flash Frames’ (true and imaginary encounters with Celebrities: literary, artistic, theatrical and beyond), photographs, paintings on canvas and rocks, gags, and important recondite divulgences from the SubGenius Church, all enfolded within an exquisite rainbow-edged handsome tome.

Limited edition hardback slipcased sets are available on request.


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